Incorporated 5th March 2018


Trustees: D.Alsop, B. Mitchell, N, Biggar

We Are Looking For Trustees.

If you have some time to spare, why not consider becoming a trustee. We invite applications from anywhere in the U.K. as you can join trustee meetings via Skype. If you are interested take a look at our Facebook page to apply: Seed for Life.Feed for Life | Facebook


 In Malawi 4.6 million children enrol in schools

Only 35% finish primary school. 

Only 17% of children go to secondary school.

Only 8% of these complete secondary school.

One child in 2000 in Malawi goes onto higher education


Organisations Stated Charitable Objectives

The organisations purposes are the prevention or relief of poverty and the advancement of education through grant giving activities to support the Community of Bemvu, Ntcheu Province Malawi.

How do we fulfil these objectives?

Seed for Life -

The Scholarship Fund - Provides financial help to support 25 pupils through secondary school (which is not free in Malawi). Supplying funding to pay for school fees, uniforms,bags etc.

Harvest Fund - Provides finance to purchase seed and fertilizer for those in the community with the greatest need mainly widows who have been bereaved by partners suffering from HIV and the elderly.

Community Fundraising funds either independently and/or with grant aid to send directly to the community of Bemvu in Ntcheu Province Malawi in order for them to purchase quality seed and fertiliser to go through the cycle of preparing/planting and cultivating a crop which will ultimately improve the lives of the community by providing food security and feeding the primary school children and become self sufficient after a period of time.

All funds raised in the UK are sent directly to the Partnership Committee in Bemvu who are responsible for managing the Project and providing financial reports back to Beforelife.

SeedforLife in turn is responsible for reporting back to Office of Scottish Charity Regulator as well as HMRC.

Introduction to The Projects

Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world with 50.7 percent of the population living below the poverty line and 25 percent living in extreme poverty. Efforts to reduce poverty have failed to yield the desired results due in part to a rapid population growth that erodes the marginal gains from economic growth.


In January 2017 S4L was approached by the Community of Bemvu if we would support them in a self sustainable, self administering food aid project which they had devised after two of their representatives had visited Scotland at our request and expense.

Bemvu District

Read Jane King's Introduction to Bemvu (pdf document) »